Ministry Overview:
The lector is the medium through which God's word is proclaimed to those gathered together at liturgy.
Ministry Goals:
The main job of the lector is to proclaim the good news of the scripture to the assembly; to let people truly hear the word that is to shape their lives. This ministry requires maturity, poise, and a facility for public speaking and a desire for knowledge of the scriptures.
Contact information:
Dick Freiberger, [email protected], 973-985-8858
Click here for Liturgical Schedule to sign up for a Mass--> Schedule
Time Commitment:
Lectors at Saint Kateri attend an orientation program prior to being put on the schedule. This is to insure that they know and are comfortable with the procedures used in our parish. Orientation attendees will receive written material explaining the important role they play in the parish community and they purchase a lector workbook which contains each week's readings. This workbook allows them to practice and fully understand the scriptures before they read at liturgy. The commitment usually involves reading, at least, once a month at the mass usually attended by the lector. Schedules are made and distributed every two months.